The week's twitterings – 2011-01-23

  • Setting up S11 zone on new server to host my friends+family domains. Yesterday DNS+certs. Today Apache. Tomorrow email. Test. Then migrate. #
  • Brooks on consciousness: – but the key point is that there is no place for the supernatural in this. We are material. #
  • Vatican edict in 1997 rejected calls to report priests who abused: from @the_irish_times #
  • Esquire on "Will We Remember Tucson? Was It Enough? Is Anything?", remembering Oklahoma City – #
  • Now here's a political realignment I can endorse: replace Left/Right (Dem/Rep, Lab/Con) with Modernist/Regressive. #
  • Just discovered Google Sketchup – This is a very cool toy^H^H^H tool. My colleagues can expect lots of 3D in emails. #
  • music so excellent i just happily paid 8 clams for it @bandcamp: #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-01-16

  • The new British Library iPad app is just gorgeous. Magnificent. Exquisite. Check out the illuminated manuscripts… #
  • “@amandapalmer: I just wrote the stupidest. Song. Ever.” < Whoa! Stiff competition in that category! #
  • “@AMaskedAvenger: Something wonderful will happen today!”< Something wonderful happens EVERY day. Also something crappy. #itsabigworld #
  • Really puzzled about all the recent LinkedIn and Facebook invitations from people who work at Sun Microsystems. Didn't they get the memo? #
  • “@russnelson: it's also going to have to decide when NOT to pay for your health care” <And for-profit lowest-bid insurance companies don't? #
  • "Today has been set aside to honor the victims of the Tucson massacre. And Sarah Palin has apparently decided she's one of them," – TPM #
  • Setting up a new cert for my zone. The openssl CSR generation dialog sucks – or at least GoDaddy dislikes the result. #
  • Anyone referring to the BALANCE of violent rhetoric is simply disingenuous. There is no balance. via @NewYorker #
  • Forceful+erudite refutation of the idea that the cobbled-together Nativity story has any historical basis whatsoever. #
  • Correlation is not causation, but pleading pure coincidence would be absurd. via @Telegraph #
  • “@russnelson: .@geoffarnold and video games cause violence, too. Wait, there's no proof for THAT either, is there?” < That's an argument?! #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-01-09

  • Just watched Chelsea v Aston Villa. As the commentator said, this is the kind of game that captures just why we watch the Premier League… #
  • Brilliant piece in the Atlantic by Garrett Epps on the constitutional aspects of Health Care Reform suits via @AddThis #
  • OK, I'm no longer a CA earthquake virgin. That M4.1 (13 miles ESE of San Jose) at 4:10pm was a nice shakeup. #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-01-02

  • Good grief! England bowls out Aussies for 98, finishes day 1 of the Melbourne test on 157-0! #australiancollapse #ashes looking safe #
  • Pedophile priests, emergency hospital care: will the Catholic Church ever accept that it is subject to the law? #
  • Went to see "The KIng's Speech" this afternoon. Wonderful movie! Off to Carmel/Monterey tomorrow for a couple of days. #
  • Book of the moment: Sarah Bakewell's "How to Live: Or A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer" #
  • Just test drove a Hyundai Genesis Coupe 3.8. Remember RWD? Wow! Tomorrow I'll try the 2.0T; see if the extra 96 BHP is worth the money. #
  • I just got a $5 credit for movies and TV shows @amazonvideo. Click to get yours. #get5 #
  • Just finished a wonderful book: "The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England" by Ian Mortimer. Great perspective on 14th century England. #
  • Day 2 of car shopping: test drive Genesis Coupe 2.0T. Then compare with 3.8. Last day of the year: should be a good time to make a deal! #

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The week's twitterings – 2010-12-26

  • Abstruse Goose on the coming apocalypse – #
  • Scalzi on SciFi Films of 2010 I agree about Inception; interesting that Iron Man 2 did better in US (but not worldwide) #
  • WTF? #Twitter suddenly reports I'm "Following 0, Followers 0". Wrong, wrong, wrong. #
  • Logically, I must have experienced a haircut which qualifies as "worst in my lifetime". But why did it have to be yesterday's? #
  • Very gusty winds and rain for Christmas: the hummers are having difficulty holding on to the feeder while they suck down the syrup. #

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The week's twitterings – 2010-12-19

  • Insightful piece on the pernicious myths of &quot;the Fall&quot; and &quot;purity&quot; in religion: (It&#39;s even more blatant in Buddhism.) #
  • Good news: no painful after-effects of blasting kidney stones. Puzzling: almost no gravel coming through. Keep drinking! #
  • The numbers are clear: Fox == Republican propaganda #
  • RT @Maragretuwo: RIP Cap&#39;n Beefheart RT Oh, dammit. So long, Don Van Vliet. #beefheart #
  • “@chrisgerhard @cowperandrewes &quot;if [the Roadrunner] was in tron then @geoffarnold should have been credited.”<Many others more worthy than I #
  • Our broadband woes are due to old & damaged coax that got soaked in first rains of the season. It&#39;s going to take several days to fix it all #
  • Fortunately we have multiple resources: my iPad 3G, the 3G USB dongle I got when Palo Alto lost power, iPhone 4 tethering… #

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The week's twitterings – 2010-12-12

  • Decided not to drive north today: too much freezing fog & black ice. Maybe Tuesday. #
  • How easy would it be to get BT to install a WiFi hotspot for my (blind) mother here innOxford? Lots of applications…. #
  • Anyone know why the new University of Oxford logo (1993) ripped off the "belted" design from the Order of the Garter? Seems heraldically odd #
  • Woke up at 4:30, couldn't get back to sleep. Hope I can catch some zzzzs on the LHR-SFO flight today. #
  • Déjà vu: @united online checkin. I supply all info, then get "Destination requires proof of onward or return travel." WTF? I'm going HOME!! #
  • Back home – from freezing fog and black ice in England to torrential rain and aquaplaning in Silicon Valley. I think I preferred England. #
  • Best music for a 3 mile power walk: Ben Watt's "Buzzin' Fly No.2" compilation. "La Luna" really pushes you to pick up the pace… #

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The week's twitterings – 2010-12-05

  • Funniest sports story ever? #
  • Visited @united site to print my itinerary to put in my luggage; saw the upgrade on the SFO-ORD leg had cleared. Nice way to start the trip! #
  • "Different cures for different diseases" seems obvious…. Memo to Republicans: it isn't always 1980. via @mattyglesias #
  • Oh joy: looks like I'm flying into a UK-sized snowstorm. Heathrow should stay open, but driving… Wait – didn't I do all this a year ago? #
  • This is a first: I've never flown facing backwards before! This is in @United's new 767 business class. #
  • Seat mate on ORD-LHR was @chip_znuff of Enuff Znuff (touring UK for a couple of weeks). Great conversation, especially state of music biz #
  • Connectivity during this trip via Vodafone SIM in my iPad. 250MB for £10 – should be enough. Must remember to reset APN when I get home. #
  • Q for UK folks: are driving conditions really bad or is "stay home" just nanny-statism? Contemplating drive to Midlands tomorrow morning… #
  • Relying on Vodafone SIM in my iPad while in UK: unimpressed. Vodafone network slow, connections dropped, mostly GPRS or EDGE rather than 3G #
  • I certainly couldn't run Skype over it #
  • And it's not like I"m out in the sticks: I can see the RAN antennas from my window! #

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The week's twitterings – 2010-11-28

  • Call the TSA's Office of Strategic Comms when you're threatened with arrest for airport photography – Boing Boing #
  • Drool (from iPhone CraigsProFree) #
  • “@vambenepe: Joke #74 ?? Again?! Aargh! It wasn't funny the first six times I heard it. #
  • Just watched Ridley Scott "Robin Hood". Ugh! Wins prize for turning a simple legend into political drama, but trashing the history anyway #
  • Movies today: Harry Potter: mixed, mediocre, too long; Robin Hood: awful – an insult to a legend; Clara Bow as The IT Girl: wonderful!!! #
  • Oh crap! Starbucks playing syrupy Xmas music. Guess I'll get my coffee elsewhere for the next month. (And Xians complain about persecution!) #
  • Off to the theater in San Jose to see "Backwards in High Heels". More anon. #

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The week's twitterings – 2010-11-21

  • My plan for the deficit via @nytgraphics #
  • iTunes Sidebar keeps recommending albums that aren't available in the US iTunes Store. #FAIL #
  • Tonight there's a Meetup of the Silicon Valley Cloud Group on EC2 security. 200 RSVPs so far; parking will be hell! #
  • Used my iPad+VGAout to present my slides today, rather than my Mac. Nice not to have Entourage and Y! Messenger popping up over my material. #
  • Just installed the "My TSA" iPhone app!!! #ironymeterpegged See also the EFF primer on standing up to the TSA: #
  • “@ComputingClouds: What Is the Cloud?” < Haven't we done this a gazillion times before? #myloopdetectorgoesoff #
  • Two weeks 'til I get to England. Three until I get home again. Four until my (?first) SWL treatment for these kidney stones. #fingerscrossed #

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