The week's twitterings – 2011-04-03

  • Finally got around to seeing K-Pax. Now I understand why people (quietly) raved about it…. #
  • “@reillyusa: @jamesurquhart And the woman that runs it could frighten a drunk cowboy.” < That sounds like a compliment! #
  • Why is everyone misunderstanding the EC2 announcement? It's "unshared", not "dedicated". Just another QoS feature, not "un-cloudy". Sheesh!! #
  • Words of wisdom: Om Malik on Why There Are No Second Chances on the Internet #
  • Here's a powerful piece by Eric MacDonald which comprehensively demolishes the (incoherent) concept that "God is love": #
  • “@alecmuffett: "You have a cryptographic failure, and then the terrorists take advantage of it and then there's a bomb…"” < said who? pwc? #
  • Everyone who wants @Skype to fix the dysfunctional UI in Skype 5 , please retweet this piece by @lkm via @tidbits #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-03-27

  • Comprehensive fisking by Dr. Jim of Isbell's weird paper in Bib&Interp attempting to reconcile Genesis with science. #
  • AT&T buys T-Mobile USA for $39B Will this give me cheap roaming access to T-Mobile voice & hotspots in Europe? #
  • IaaS: private cloud == public (a box is a box is a box). PaaS: not so simple: lots of coupling into SW lifecycle, edge svcs, change mgmt… #
  • NEWSWEEK gave 1,000 Americans U.S. Citizenship Test—38 percent failed.
    Including Michelle Bachmann & Sarah Palin? #
  • Following @adrianco I've just claimed my @PeerIndex profile, check it out #
  • Your tax dollars at work: #
  • From @ThisIsSethsBlog The real risks and costs: nuclear, oil, coal. Meanwhile the media obsesses over Japanese reactors #
  • Fukushima scaremongers becoming increasingly desperate
    Commonsense stuff. But hysteria sells, so it's not going away #
  • In contrast to the Register piece I just linked, here's how NOT to talk about Fukushima – no numbers, vague language. #
  • Streaming video of Aussie GP P3 on @Formula1onSpeed works well. No commentary, but I can watch @sarahholtf1 and @willbuxton tweeting… #
  • Ouch. Liuzzi's HRT finally sets off, and parks after four corners #
  • “@davewiner: Bob Herbert's last NYT column.” < Very, very true. Time to s/plutocracy/democracy/g #
  • Just grabbed the music for the new ballet by the Pet Shop Boys & Javier De Frutos: The Most Incredible Thing. See #
  • After one saccharine VALUES commercial after another during the Australian GP, I was longing for someone to try to sell something to me! #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-03-20

  • Watched "My Fair Lady" (1964) and "Pygmalion" (1938) back-to-back. Surprised by how closely the musical followed Shaw's screenplay… #
  • Of course the original was much better than the musical – tighter, wittier, better cast (except for Stanley Holloway) #
  • People keep saying Fukushima "is now the second worst nuclear accident". This is wrong: the worst was Chernobyl, second worst was Windscale. #
  • Running into guest wifi issues, but Personal Hotspot on my iPhone works well with my MacBook Air. Time to dump my 3G USB dongle. #
  • “@ipaxer1: When the solution is simple, God is answering. Albert Einstein” < For some purely metaphorical value of "God", that is… #
  • Curious why they're not using robot/remote systems at the Japanese reactors. Japan was working on search & rescue robots 10 yrs ago #
  • Visions of C3PO dragging a very long firehose up to a fuel storage pond… #
  • Nice piece on the true meaning of elasticity in the cloud #
  • Just OCR'd a scan of an old article by my mother. Discovered which made it a breeze (and free). #satisfiedcustomer #
  • I love reading xkcd on the visualization of complex information. This time it's radiation: #
  • This is priceless!!! Blowback Mountain? Idaho to Train Saudi Airforce – #
  • Just changed my Netflix account to streaming only; now it keeps nagging me about stuff available only on DVD. Any way to turn this off? #
  • QOTD from Christopher Hitchens: "Once you know that Christians call themselves a flock, you already know enough about this religion." #
  • Strange sense of satisfaction: completing theTop Gear "Where's Stig?" game on my iPad. I think I need to get out more… #
  • Intriguing Netflix recommendation (two of them, actually) #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-03-13

  • “@mfeathers: In the new world, Cobol is Ruby and Fortran is Python.” And in the NEW new world, Java is Node.js. All hail JaveScript! #
  • Wish I could spare the time for #ccevent – it's just around the corner! – but at least I'll be at the Rackspace party on Tuesday #
  • “@jimgris: shit” Really? Whazzup? #
  • “@geoffarnold: “@jimgris: shit” Really? Whazzup?” < Never mind: I see. Tho it's not on yet #
  • “@timhaines: Tsunami has hit.” <Where? is current Pacific warning/schedule #
  • Just bought our tickets for Al Stewart+Peter White in Carmel on May 7. (My first Al concert was in Windsor, in 1968!) #
  • "No responsibility" in 21st century USA #
  • Must-read by nay-sayers: @adrianco on How not to build a Private Cloud #
  • De Condimentis: Butter. Wonderful stuff! via @AddToAny #
  • Glorious example of tea-party ignorance. (Most of them probably couldn't even pass a naturalization exam.) @dailydish #
  • “@myinnervoice: Read comment #6 How not to build a Private Cloud” <Why? The comment makes no sense. #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-03-06

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The week's twitterings – 2011-02-27

  • “@Herbez32: Are agnostics atheists? NO. The atheists are BELIEVERS, just like the Christians are.” < What an utter crock… #
  • “@timhaines: Fruit trees and lease comes with a gardener. Woot!”< Why does the lease need a gardener? #confused #
  • “@furrygirl: YOU PEOPLE NEGLECTED TO MENTION ITS SUPERFLUOUS CAPYBARA!” <A capybara is NEVER superfluous! #
  • For some reason, hearing Captain Beefheart playing in Starbucks struck me as particularly bizarre… #
  • Amazing essay from TAM London. #
  • “@wattersjames: @geoffarnold You're saying that arguing about the validity of homeopathy is merely tribal? What an odd epistemology. #
  • The wisdom of Ike: #
  • “@thinguy: (I'm still here)” Good. Now what? #
  • Local forecast for Palo Alto this Friday night/Saturday morning: "Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and snow showers. Low 27F." REALLY?!?! #
  • Why are UK Muslims homophobic? 58% of Brits are OK with gays, but among British Muslims it's 0%. ZERO! Unacceptable. #
  • Just replaced my 1st gen MacBook Air with a new 11.6" MBA (4GB/128GB/1.6GHz). Like my 12" PB G4 from 2004, except faster and half the weight #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-02-20

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The week's twitterings – 2011-02-06

  • I'm really fed up with the new @skype UI on the Mac. Lots of gratuitous white space and flashy coverflow, but no compact view. Frustrating. #
  • “@aaronpaxson: It astounds me that scientists don't believe in God. Who else can make things so perfect and "in balance"?” <Gotta be a troll #
  • “@stevel: @geoffarnold” < Helps a bit, but still terribly wasteful of screen real estate. #
  • “@GeorgeReese: I don't believe in string theory.” <Of course, the universe is indifferent to your opinion. #
  • “@craigmorgan: @geoffarnold @stevel front it with Adium" < But I mostly use Skype for video chat 🙁 #
  • “@adrianco: @GeorgeReese @geoffarnold E8 theory is more elegant than string theory” < Surely the E8 *model* – lots to do to make it a theory #
  • Great piece by Julia Galef on the epistemological status of "intuition". #
  • Hitchens is devastating on why The King's Speech is a gross falsification via @guardian. Loved the film, but he's right. #
  • Today is a day for weak tea, dry toast, and sleep. #delhibelly #
  • Corvid savants: – check out the video clips! Crows (and rooks, and ravens) rule! #
  • Catholic priest/exorcist: "We have a rite that’s recognized, even by the demons, as legitimate." Lawful evil demons? #
  • Somehow I wound up pulling an all-nighter last night. This can't end well. (Though today ends with me getting on a plane, so….) #
  • 11:25PM – time to check out and head to the airport for my BLR-FRA-SFO flights home. (How come I only ever see Indian airports at 2-3AM?) #
  • And here I am, back at the Tower Lounge at Frankfurt. I have a 3+ hour layover, then I'm heading home to SFO. #
  • My Yahoo-supplied 15" MBP is gorgeous & fast, but just too big and heavy for a road warrior. Switch to 13"?
    Or is a new MBA in my future? #
  • Back home: I just watched Wolves beat ManUtd. Not what I expected. Good match, though. #

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The week's twitterings – 2011-01-30

  • Early to bed (10:30PM); I've got a limo coming for me tomorrow morning at 3:25AM. First Boston, then on Thursday I fly to Bangalore. #
  • Waiting in the LH lounge to board my BOS-FRA flight. I'll have a couple of hours in FRA, then on to BLR, arriving in the middle of the night #
  • “@GeorgeReese: @vambenepe SOAP must die.” < Big +1 to that! #
  • “@longword: hmm, wooden stake, garlic, or silver bullet? <Not silver bullet – try searching for "lifecycle silver bullet". Great paper! #
  • “@GeorgeReese: I guess I did just advocate violence against SOAP.” < Actually well-informed indifference is doing the job pretty well! #
  • At the LH Lounge in Frankfurt for 6 hour layover. (@united PremEx = Star Alliance Gold). Good food&drink… but WiFi is 8 Euros for an hour! #
  • Uneventful flight from FRA to BLR on LH, in a antiquated 747-400 with overhead TVs and no personal IFE. Only @United and LH, I guess… #
  • Anyone know of a Firefox plugin to facilitate the creation of a "tab sweep" blog post? Build a page of linked tab titles, ready for editing? #
  • Got to Bangalore hotel at 3am, slept until 9, intending to have breakfast. It's now 11:50am, so I guess I'll call it lunch. #fightingjetlag #

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