The week's twitterings – 2011-03-20

  • Watched "My Fair Lady" (1964) and "Pygmalion" (1938) back-to-back. Surprised by how closely the musical followed Shaw's screenplay… #
  • Of course the original was much better than the musical – tighter, wittier, better cast (except for Stanley Holloway) #
  • People keep saying Fukushima "is now the second worst nuclear accident". This is wrong: the worst was Chernobyl, second worst was Windscale. #
  • Running into guest wifi issues, but Personal Hotspot on my iPhone works well with my MacBook Air. Time to dump my 3G USB dongle. #
  • “@ipaxer1: When the solution is simple, God is answering. Albert Einstein” < For some purely metaphorical value of "God", that is… #
  • Curious why they're not using robot/remote systems at the Japanese reactors. Japan was working on search & rescue robots 10 yrs ago #
  • Visions of C3PO dragging a very long firehose up to a fuel storage pond… #
  • Nice piece on the true meaning of elasticity in the cloud #
  • Just OCR'd a scan of an old article by my mother. Discovered which made it a breeze (and free). #satisfiedcustomer #
  • I love reading xkcd on the visualization of complex information. This time it's radiation: #
  • This is priceless!!! Blowback Mountain? Idaho to Train Saudi Airforce – #
  • Just changed my Netflix account to streaming only; now it keeps nagging me about stuff available only on DVD. Any way to turn this off? #
  • QOTD from Christopher Hitchens: "Once you know that Christians call themselves a flock, you already know enough about this religion." #
  • Strange sense of satisfaction: completing theTop Gear "Where's Stig?" game on my iPad. I think I need to get out more… #
  • Intriguing Netflix recommendation (two of them, actually) #

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