The week's twitterings – 2011-03-13

  • “@mfeathers: In the new world, Cobol is Ruby and Fortran is Python.” And in the NEW new world, Java is Node.js. All hail JaveScript! #
  • Wish I could spare the time for #ccevent – it's just around the corner! – but at least I'll be at the Rackspace party on Tuesday #
  • “@jimgris: shit” Really? Whazzup? #
  • “@geoffarnold: “@jimgris: shit” Really? Whazzup?” < Never mind: I see. Tho it's not on yet #
  • “@timhaines: Tsunami has hit.” <Where? is current Pacific warning/schedule #
  • Just bought our tickets for Al Stewart+Peter White in Carmel on May 7. (My first Al concert was in Windsor, in 1968!) #
  • "No responsibility" in 21st century USA #
  • Must-read by nay-sayers: @adrianco on How not to build a Private Cloud #
  • De Condimentis: Butter. Wonderful stuff! via @AddToAny #
  • Glorious example of tea-party ignorance. (Most of them probably couldn't even pass a naturalization exam.) @dailydish #
  • “@myinnervoice: Read comment #6 How not to build a Private Cloud” <Why? The comment makes no sense. #

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