- Geithner’s Gamble by Simon Johnson – Project Syndicate http://t.co/baoY4GN via @ProSyn #
- At the Frans de Waal "Morality before Religion: Empathy, Fairness and Prosocial Primates" #stanfordevent http://t.co/L69BkAt #
- XCP 1.0 finally arrives: http://www.openstack.org/blog/2011/03/building-the-complete-open-source-cloud-with-xen-org-and-openstack/ #
- An impassioned plea for getting rid of pompous bureaucratic jargon, as a matter of life and death. About time too. #
- OS X 10.7 Lion Preview via NewsGrange http://t.co/9zXfjNE – I'm running it on my new MacBook Air #
- “@timhaines: If evolution was real, kids would have a mute switch by now.” < Au contraire, that's a good argument against intelligent design #
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