- Comprehensive fisking by Dr. Jim of Isbell's weird paper in Bib&Interp attempting to reconcile Genesis with science. http://t.co/PCCAXRo #
- AT&T buys T-Mobile USA for $39B http://t.co/rrLL7C8 Will this give me cheap roaming access to T-Mobile voice & hotspots in Europe? #
- IaaS: private cloud == public (a box is a box is a box). PaaS: not so simple: lots of coupling into SW lifecycle, edge svcs, change mgmt… #
- NEWSWEEK gave 1,000 Americans U.S. Citizenship Test—38 percent failed. http://shar.es/3QPb5
Including Michelle Bachmann & Sarah Palin? # - Following @adrianco I've just claimed my @PeerIndex profile, check it out http://pi.mu/2wwA #
- Your tax dollars at work: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2011/03/what-corporate-welfare-looks-like.html #
- From @ThisIsSethsBlog The real risks and costs: nuclear, oil, coal. Meanwhile the media obsesses over Japanese reactors #
- Fukushima scaremongers becoming increasingly desperate http://reg.cx/1Np5
Commonsense stuff. But hysteria sells, so it's not going away # - In contrast to the Register piece I just linked, here's how NOT to talk about Fukushima – no numbers, vague language. http://t.co/6u6Mfu8 #
- Streaming video of Aussie GP P3 on @Formula1onSpeed works well. No commentary, but I can watch @sarahholtf1 and @willbuxton tweeting… #
- Ouch. Liuzzi's HRT finally sets off, and parks after four corners #
- “@davewiner: Bob Herbert's last NYT column. http://t.co/4jaQ2PK” < Very, very true. Time to s/plutocracy/democracy/g #
- Just grabbed the music for the new ballet by the Pet Shop Boys & Javier De Frutos: The Most Incredible Thing. See http://t.co/fz1DkCv #
- After one saccharine VALUES commercial after another during the Australian GP, I was longing for someone to try to sell something to me! #
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