- I'm really fed up with the new @skype UI on the Mac. Lots of gratuitous white space and flashy coverflow, but no compact view. Frustrating. #
- “@aaronpaxson: It astounds me that scientists don't believe in God. Who else can make things so perfect and "in balance"?” <Gotta be a troll #
- “@stevel: @geoffarnold http://t.co/A0q7yTH” < Helps a bit, but still terribly wasteful of screen real estate. #
- “@GeorgeReese: I don't believe in string theory.” <Of course, the universe is indifferent to your opinion. #
- “@craigmorgan: @geoffarnold @stevel front it with Adium" < But I mostly use Skype for video chat 🙁 #
- “@adrianco: @GeorgeReese @geoffarnold E8 theory is more elegant than string theory” < Surely the E8 *model* – lots to do to make it a theory #
- Great piece by Julia Galef on the epistemological status of "intuition". http://t.co/t2Z3fnd #
- Hitchens is devastating on why The King's Speech is a gross falsification http://t.co/nYx3IKR via @guardian. Loved the film, but he's right. #
- Today is a day for weak tea, dry toast, and sleep. #delhibelly #
- Corvid savants: http://t.co/xFafX7Y – check out the video clips! Crows (and rooks, and ravens) rule! #
- Catholic priest/exorcist: "We have a rite that’s recognized, even by the demons, as legitimate." Lawful evil demons? http://t.co/qfbaySY #
- Somehow I wound up pulling an all-nighter last night. This can't end well. (Though today ends with me getting on a plane, so….) #
- 11:25PM – time to check out and head to the airport for my BLR-FRA-SFO flights home. (How come I only ever see Indian airports at 2-3AM?) #
- And here I am, back at the Tower Lounge at Frankfurt. I have a 3+ hour layover, then I'm heading home to SFO. #
- My Yahoo-supplied 15" MBP is gorgeous & fast, but just too big and heavy for a road warrior. Switch to 13"?
Or is a new MBA in my future? # - Back home: I just watched Wolves beat ManUtd. Not what I expected. Good match, though. #
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