The week's twitterings – 2011-01-30

  • Early to bed (10:30PM); I've got a limo coming for me tomorrow morning at 3:25AM. First Boston, then on Thursday I fly to Bangalore. #
  • Waiting in the LH lounge to board my BOS-FRA flight. I'll have a couple of hours in FRA, then on to BLR, arriving in the middle of the night #
  • “@GeorgeReese: @vambenepe SOAP must die.” < Big +1 to that! #
  • “@longword: hmm, wooden stake, garlic, or silver bullet? <Not silver bullet – try searching for "lifecycle silver bullet". Great paper! #
  • “@GeorgeReese: I guess I did just advocate violence against SOAP.” < Actually well-informed indifference is doing the job pretty well! #
  • At the LH Lounge in Frankfurt for 6 hour layover. (@united PremEx = Star Alliance Gold). Good food&drink… but WiFi is 8 Euros for an hour! #
  • Uneventful flight from FRA to BLR on LH, in a antiquated 747-400 with overhead TVs and no personal IFE. Only @United and LH, I guess… #
  • Anyone know of a Firefox plugin to facilitate the creation of a "tab sweep" blog post? Build a page of linked tab titles, ready for editing? #
  • Got to Bangalore hotel at 3am, slept until 9, intending to have breakfast. It's now 11:50am, so I guess I'll call it lunch. #fightingjetlag #

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