I’m sitting here at the Red Carpet Club in Seattle Airport, waiting for our flight to San Francisco. Tonight we’ll be in a hotel in Palo Alto, and in a few days the movers will be delivering our stuff. Another move completed.
The last few nights have been characterized by broken sleep: a combination of the jet lag of the return from China and the busy and distracting events of the move. At one point I found myself, half-awake, composing blog entries in my head. One was a challenge to self-declared supporters of Intelligent Design, which I may actually type up some tome; the other was a list of all the places I’ve lived. Since that’s actually relevant to today’s move, I thought I’d see if I could recreate the material that I dreamed. A disclaimer: this is slightly simplified, and there are overlaps during the period between 1968 and 1972 when I was working and attending university.
- 1950: Chelsea, London, England
- 1952: Kilburn, London, England
- 1955: Dollis Hill, London, England
- 1962: Beaconsfield, Bucks, England
- 1969: Abingdon, Berks, England (“Barracks” accomodation while working at AERE Harwell.)
- 1969: Amersham, Bucks, England (My mother moved here, but I hardly ever stayed here.)
- 1969: Chelmsford, Essex, England (Essex University.)
- 1972: Hayes, Middx, England (We rented a house from a friend for the year.)
- 1973: Newcastle-on-Tyne, England (Graduate student housing.)
- 1976: Chesham, Bucks, England (The first house we bought.)
- 1981: Foxboro, MA, USA (Rented a house for a year, then bought one.)
- 1999: Brookline, MA, USA
- 2006: Seattle, WA, USA
- 2009: Palo Alto, CA, USA