The Cranky Flier considers the consequences of Lufthansa’s acquisition of bmi, and decides that the most likely outcome is:
Take the London slots, merge with Virgin Atlantic, and create a very strong London brand that’s far greater than what Virgin has now. Oh, and yes, bring Virgin Atlantic into Star Alliance. Virgin is clearly interested.
I’d be delighted by this, particularly if Virgin goes ahead with its plans to serve Seattle in the next year or two. (But didn’t that depend on the availability of 787s? Bummer….) I’ve always liked flying on Virgin, and this would give me a direct Star Alliance route to LHR. Of course it’s a bit hypocritical of Virgin to revive their NO WAY BA/AA
campaign in view of this possibility.
(And Cranky, it’s €400 Million, not €400. But what’s six orders of magnitude between friends.)