Not much blogging recently, in part because things have been very busy. With some help from Chris last week, I’ve been doing several household projects, ranging from replacing kitchen cabinet hardware, to installing new blinds in all of the basement and second floor windows, to upgrading bathroom fittings. I’ve also been sorting out what I’m taking to Seattle, what I’m leaving here, and what should be chucked out. (The third category is usually the largest.) Rather than using a moving company, I’m just packing up in boxes from the local UPS store.
We’ve also arranged numerous meetings with our financial advisor, accountant, and people from the bank, as we sort out the implications of my becoming a Washington resident. For those of you outside the US, every state is fiercely independent when it comes to taxation. Most (including Massachusetts) have a state income tax, but Washington is one of those that doesn’t. With me in Washington and Merry in Massachusetts, our tax returns are going to be complicated. (The challenge is to make sure that they don’t become “interesting”!)
So the countdown looks like this:
- Thursday: Pick up Tommy for another overnight visit. (Kate and Mark are going to see the Red Sox.) Continue packing.
- Friday: Finish packing. Take Tommy home, then meet friends for farewell drinks. [5pm, “Naked Fish” in Bedford]
- Saturday: A Fellowship day. Haul the boxes over to the UPS store and ship them for delivery in Seattle next Thursday. Lunch, then a movie. (Film not yet chosen – “Scanner Darkly” or “Prairie Home Companion”, perhaps.)
- Sunday: Cleaning up after the packing. Dinner with friends.
- Monday: Meet with accountant. Last-minute stuff.
- Tuesday: Fly to Seattle.
- Monday 14th: Start at Amazon!