In this piece, George Will gets to the heart of today’s quagmire in Iraq: accountability:
The first axiom is: When there is no penalty for failure, failures proliferate.
Leave aside the question of who or what failed before 9/11. But who lost his or her job because the president’s 2003 State of the Union address gave currency to a fraud — the story of Iraq attempting to buy uranium in Niger? Or because the primary and only sufficient reason for waging pre-emptive war — weapons of mass destruction — was largely spurious? Or because postwar planning, from failure to anticipate the initial looting to today’s insufficient force levels, has been botched? Failures are multiplying because of choices for which no one seems accountable.
Indeed. And for Rumsfeld, Will summons up the bard….
One question is: Are the nation’s efforts in the deepening global war — the world is more menacing than it was a year ago — helped or hindered by Rumsfeld’s continuation as the appointed American most conspicuously identified with the conduct of the war? This is not a simple call. But being experienced, he will know how to make the call. Being honorable, he will so do.
He knows his Macbeth and will recognize the framing of the second question: Were he to resign, would discerning people say that nothing in his public life became him like the leaving of it?