The week's twitterings – 2011-02-27

  • “@Herbez32: Are agnostics atheists? NO. The atheists are BELIEVERS, just like the Christians are.” < What an utter crock… #
  • “@timhaines: Fruit trees and lease comes with a gardener. Woot!”< Why does the lease need a gardener? #confused #
  • “@furrygirl: YOU PEOPLE NEGLECTED TO MENTION ITS SUPERFLUOUS CAPYBARA!” <A capybara is NEVER superfluous! #
  • For some reason, hearing Captain Beefheart playing in Starbucks struck me as particularly bizarre… #
  • Amazing essay from TAM London. #
  • “@wattersjames: @geoffarnold You're saying that arguing about the validity of homeopathy is merely tribal? What an odd epistemology. #
  • The wisdom of Ike: #
  • “@thinguy: (I'm still here)” Good. Now what? #
  • Local forecast for Palo Alto this Friday night/Saturday morning: "Partly cloudy. A chance of showers and snow showers. Low 27F." REALLY?!?! #
  • Why are UK Muslims homophobic? 58% of Brits are OK with gays, but among British Muslims it's 0%. ZERO! Unacceptable. #
  • Just replaced my 1st gen MacBook Air with a new 11.6" MBA (4GB/128GB/1.6GHz). Like my 12" PB G4 from 2004, except faster and half the weight #

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