Updating my blogroll

As part of introducing my new blog template, I decided to do some tidying up. Among the new features on the side bar, you’ll see a dramatically reduced “Blogroll”. In the early days of this blog (particularly when many of my colleagues at Sun were also starting their blogs) it was common for two bloggers to add entries to their blogrolls as a reciprocal courtesy, just to increase each others Technorati rankings. Just because a blog was on one’s blogroll didn’t mean you were actually reading it. But after a while it gets unmanageable, and the blogroll becomes several times longer than the average posting. Several attempts to adopt a new template failed because the combined blogroll, category list, and archives sections were just too big.
So today I decided to do something radical. First, I replaced the category list and archives with drop-down menus. Then I revised my blogroll to correspond to what I actually read, based on the list of RSS feeds that I scan each morning through NetNewsWire. (There are many other RSS feeds that I track, mostly from news organizations, but they don’t belong here.)
So if you were on my blogroll and have disappeared, my apologies. It’s nothing personal.